OASIS 2021.1 Release Highlights

Volition 1.0: OASIS Optimization API

OASIS now fully supports the volition optimization API at version 1.0. This API allows users with enabled simulation software to integrate with OASIS more easily. The Volition API is for users and software vendors looking to integrate world-leading optimization capabilities into their software platforms. To get started with the volition API, see github.com/EmpowerOperations/Volition

Babel 15: Multi-line & Temporary Variables

OASIS Babel math expressions now support multiple lines and the use of temporary variables.

Multi line Babel expression

Multi line Babel expression

With this new capability users can more compactly express redundant work, making integration easier.

LGO 2021: Better Discrete Variable Support

LGO has been updated to run more quickly with discrete variable setups. LGO is now capable of running larger discrete variable setups with less redundant work resulting in modest to substantial performance improvements in both workloads with exclusively discrete variables and workloads with mixed discrete and continuous variables.

New Optimization Settings

The Optimization settings screen has been updated to reduce the chance of error and more simply express the options available to users for their optimizations.

New Opt Settings.PNG

Reproducible Optimization Runs

OASIS now takes an explicit “Random Seed” that can be used to create reproducible optimization runs. This is helpful for use-cases where the optimization must be auditable and re-executed on multiple machines or the same machine multiple times.